I haven't blogged for two weeks because I'm using some material put together by Roddy Hamilton's church in Scotland. It is for Lent through the Easter season and its called Spill-the-Beans. We are telling the stories from the Old Testament as monologues.
Last week the snake spoke to the congregation about why he did what he did and about the choices the woman creature and the man creature made. And how that changed everything. God was sad, they were sad, and the snake was sad. We're sad.
This week without telling too much of the story we will hear from Abram and his journey to the Promised Land.
I have talked about the gospel and epistle lessons for so long its really fun to get back to the Message of God's love in the Hebrew Bible. I love the old stories.
And so that brings me to what I've been thinking about for a while, stories, our stories. You see I'm a member of the Evangelism & Discipleship committee in our presbytery and stories are how we evangelize. At least that's how I believe we tell the Good News of Jesus Christ. We tell "our" story. We tell others how God is actively present in our lives and why that all matters.
And, by telling our stories we can lead others into discipleship teaching them about God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and God's love for us. Sometimes we tell our stories without even using words. Of course you all know that all ready. People are observing us all the time to see how we "really" react to the obstacles the world puts in our paths.
So, good friends, I will let you know next week how Abram's story went. It's a good story. Check it out in Genesis.
Oh, by the way, pray for my sister June as she battles another round of breast cancer. It's kind of hard to understand why so many of our family and friends have to suffer from this terrible disease. Maybe it's something we're doing to environment that causing it. I don't know but I'm getting awfully tired of it.
God's grace, peace, and joy be with you all,
Pastor David
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