Monday, August 6, 2012

God Knows

          We think we are so smart, so intelligent. We think we can fix anything or anyone. We think we’re immune to the things of the world. We think we’ve been saved from pain and suffering. And we think we can hide from God the times when we stray from the Path he would like us to walk…and yet God knows. He knows everything. And I believe his heart breaks when we fail him, turn our backs on him.
          What was David thinking when he brought Bathsheba to his room? What was he thinking when he sent Uriah to his certain death? Did he think God wouldn’t notice? Surely not. But he did what he did anyway.  How many times have we acted the same way?
          God knows everything. He desired us; he created us and gave us gifts. We are the way God designed us with all our warts and wrinkles. There are times when I wonder why God made me this way with my desires, my idiosyncrasies, my gifts and my faults. Surely God knew how I’d end up.
          Because I believe that God made all of us the way we are with faults and gifts I know in my heart of hearts that I shouldn’t fault anyone else for the way they are because that’s the way God made them. And God knows what he’s doing even if we can’t figure out why.
          I have so many questions for God. Don’t you? Why are there so many folks suffering with cancer? Why are there wars and genocide and prejudices? Why can’t you and I lay our hands on someone like Jesus and Peter and make them whole again? I don’t know but God knows. Someday God will let us in on the secret.
          I can completely understand the folks who were following Jesus when they begged him to give them a clue, just a hint of what was going on. It was all beyond anything they had ever seen or could even imagine. And yet they couldn’t get their heads around the fact that he was God’s Son. Only God knows all the answers but that doesn’t keep me from asking them.
          Questions are all that I have today, in fact that’s all I have most days. Like why can some read the Bible and take it for the Good News that it is and others just can’t believe any of it because it is just too far out there.
          Have any of you ever heard a donkey talk? Have any of you ever thought about how many people God destroyed just so the Israelites could have a home in the Promised Land? Does that make sense? And then there’s Jesus walking on water, calming storms, healing lepers, bringing back those who’ve died. How is that possible? Only God knows.
               We think we are so smart, so intelligent. We think we can fix anything or anyone. We think we’re immune to the things of the world. We think we’ve been saved from pain and suffering. And we think we can hide from God the times when we stray from the Path he would like us to walk…and yet God knows. He knows everything. And I believe his heart breaks when we fail him, turn our backs on him.
          What was David thinking when he brought Bathsheba to his room? What was he thinking when he sent Uriah to his certain death? Did he think God wouldn’t notice? Surely not. But he did what he did anyway.  How many times have we acted the same way?
          God knows everything. He desired us; he created us and gave us gifts. We are the way God designed us with all our warts and wrinkles. There are times when I wonder why God made me this way with my desires, my idiosyncrasies, my gifts and my faults. Surely God knew how I’d end up.
          Because I believe that God made all of us the way we are with faults and gifts I know in my heart of hearts that I shouldn’t fault anyone else for the way they are because that’s the way God made them. And God knows what he’s doing even if we can’t figure out why.
          I have so many questions for God. Don’t you? Why are there so many folks suffering with cancer? Why are there wars and genocide and prejudices? Why can’t you and I lay our hands on someone like Jesus and Peter and make them whole again? I don’t know but God knows. Someday God will let us in on the secret.
          I can completely understand the folks who were following Jesus when they begged him to give them a clue, just a hint of what was going on. It was all beyond anything they had ever seen or could even imagine. And yet they couldn’t get their heads around the fact that he was God’s Son. Only God knows all the answers but that doesn’t keep me from asking them.
          Questions are all that I have today, in fact that’s all I have most days. Like why can some read the Bible and take it for the Good News that it is and others just can’t believe any of it because it is just too far out there.
          Have any of you ever heard a donkey talk? Have any of you ever thought about how many people God destroyed just so the Israelites could have a home in the Promised Land? Does that make sense? And then there’s Jesus walking on water, calming storms, healing lepers, bringing back those who’ve died. How is that possible? Only God knows.
          So, what do we do with all our questions? What do you do with your questions? This is what I do.
          I believe that what Jesus said about being the Bread of Life is true. And when I place all my trust and hope in him then my burdens are lighter and the questions don’t really matter so much. Because God knows the answers and that’s enough…for me.
          So, good friends, the answer is that we need to… “Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God's works.” And we should, as Paul said…get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel.
          Rather than looking for all the answers I believe what is needed is that we all get out there and tell our stories as God has given us his particular gifts for each of us working together as one body just as Jesus told us… all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ.  
          God knows…everything and we have to trust in his grace and love for us. And it’s all right to ask questions. Everyone has questions and sometimes God shares the answers with us. The main thing to remember is God knows and he cares and he has it all taken care of. 
Thanks be to God for his grace. Amen.     So, what do we do with all our questions? What do you do with your questions? This is what I do.
          I believe that what Jesus said about being the Bread of Life is true. And when I place all my trust and hope in him then my burdens are lighter and the questions don’t really matter so much. Because God knows the answers and that’s enough…for me.
          So, good friends, the answer is that we need to… “Throw your lot in with the One that God has sent. That kind of a commitment gets you in on God's works.” And we should, as Paul said…get out there and walk—better yet, run!—on the road God called you to travel.
          Rather than looking for all the answers I believe what is needed is that we all get out there and tell our stories as God has given us his particular gifts for each of us working together as one body just as Jesus told us… all moving rhythmically and easily with each other, efficient and graceful in response to God's Son, fully mature adults, fully developed within and without, fully alive like Christ.  
          God knows…everything and we have to trust in his grace and love for us. And it’s all right to ask questions. Everyone has questions and sometimes God shares the answers with us. The main thing to remember is God knows and he cares and he has it all taken care of. 
Thanks be to God for his grace. Amen.