Last Wednesday I packed my bags and headed over to Camp Calvin Crest just south of Fremont, Nebraska to serve as a team member on the Great Plains Presbyterian Pilgrimage #5.
I was a guest at GPPP#2 and sat at the table of Rebecca and this time I was honored to be asked to serve as a table facilitator at, you guessed it, the table of Rebecca. At this table I was the only one of my gender.
Believe me when I say that I was a little uncertain about serving in this position. The reason is that the table group has to create posters and work up a skit that describes what they have heard or felt from the talks they have heard presented. I'm just not a very creative person but the rector, Josh Widman, felt very strongly that I was the person God wanted at this table. So who am I to argue with God. If this is where he wanted me then how could I possibly refuse.
Anyway, let me tell you I was supremely blessed to be at this table with these wonderful ladies. They just stepped right up and just amazed me with their ideas and creativity. And what insightful conversations we had after listening to the talks and meditations. By the way the talks were inspiring. Every time I listen I learn something new, just like when I read something from scripture that I've read many times before. I believe it is the work of the Holy Spirit. What do you think?
Folks, every Pilgrimage that I have attended just keeps getting better and better. I can't wait to see what God has planned for October. Joyce Serenil who worships at the Wheeler Presbyterian Church in South "O" is the rector. Folks she would love to have you praying for her as she begins to organize the next event.
And by the way if you haven't ever been to Camp Calvin Crest and enjoyed the wonderful food their chefs put out you have really missed some excellent food. We really have to be careful because it's easy to overdo it. But there are some really good trails to walk so that you can burn off some of those calories.
The day began with the ringing of a bell at 6:15 a.m. waking people so that they could be at the 7 a.m. worship and communion service led by either Darin, Al, or Sally. The worship space was created by Linda and Bruce as they were guided by the Holy Spirit. It was awesome.
When Darin gets up to talk about remembering our baptism you should be warned, you might get wet. Really, you will probably get wet, at the very least you will leave with water spots on your glasses. Just ask the people who worship at Faithful Shepherd.
Friends, it was the most amazing week and I can't wait to see where God wants me to work now. If you haven't attended a Presbyterian Pilgrimage, Walk to Emmaus, Via de Christo, or Cursillo, then I invite you to fill out a registration and send it in. Talk to me, email me, or give me a call. It is the best investment you could ever make in your spiritual life.
Brothers and sisters in Christ, God loves you and so do I,