Friday, April 10, 2009


Many of us were here in this sanctuary this afternoon as we celebrated the life of one of the long time members of this congregation. We gathered here and we remembered Isabelle’s life and how her life touched and interacted with ours.

This evening we are gathered again in this place and I would ask you each to remember the One who sat at the table with his disciples and celebrated his last Passover meal. Remember how he became a servant to them as he dropped his robe and picked up the basin of water and towels and began to wash the dust of the streets from their feet. Remember how he picked up the loaf of bread and the cup of wine and after blessing them offered them to his friends.
Every time they would eat bread and drink wine they would remember that last meal with the Rabbi. It would be like he was there with them again. They would hear his words, “Every time you eat this bread and drink from this cup you will remember your Lord, until he comes again.”
God instructed Moses what the people needed to do to protect themselves from the Angel of Death that was going to pass over the land of Egypt. That day was to be a day to be remembered, a festival to God to be remembered down through the generations.
A day to be remembered, that’s what we are doing here this evening, we are remembering what God did for the world in His suffering and sacrifice on the cross for us. We remember and we share our memories with our families, our friends, and those other folks God places on the path we walk through this life.

We remember other meals we have shared here. We remember other friends we have broken bread with here, some who are now gathered with the all the saints in heaven. We remember how two disciples on the road to Emmaus weren’t allowed to recognize Jesus until he took the bread and blessed it and gave it too them. Then their eyes were opened and then they recognized him, then they remembered. They remembered how their hearts burned as he taught them from the scriptures.
As we are served we meet the risen Christ “who becomes the very nourishment and food of our souls.” We remember Jesus sitting at the table and we feel his presence again each time we partake of this feast which he has prepared.
Tonight is a time of remembering Jesus the Christ. It’s a time to celebrate the crucified Jesus who is beside us in all the cross-shaped places. Not only that but we celebrate Christ’s triumph over death, his resurrection and the promise it brings us of eternal life in glory, heaven.
We remember and we celebrate.
Thanks be to God. Amen.

Invitation to the Journey
My friends, God has called all of us here to a particular work, a particular calling. You may have felt his call; you may be feeling his call tonight. You may be wondering what it is that he is asking you to do. You may be even questioning what is this thing he is calling you to do. But friends you and I have definitely been called and we are on a journey. For some of us it may end tonight or we may be on our journey for many more years. But no matter Christ’s Spirit has called each of us; that’s why we’re all here. And even if we are still resisting his call we can’t escape it. God is nothing if not persistent and patient. He knows what he is doing. Friends join me on this journey and remember your dying and rising again to Christ symbolized in your baptism.
Reflect and meditate on how God has spoken to you this evening. Where is he calling you to go? What is he calling you to do? Is he asking you to let him into your heart? Do you know who this man Jesus is who loves us all so much he suffered and died for our sins and rose from the grave with the promise of eternal life? Do you know him?
The good news is our sins have been forgiven and we have received the promise of eternal life.
Answer the call and begin your journey.