Why are you here? That question has been answered for you in the scriptures read this morning. You and I are here to be seasoning for the people we interact with every day. But, not only seasoning but light too, salt to bring out flavors and light so that God’s colors can be seen in all their beauty. We are here because we’re salty and bright.
I don’t mean we’re here this morning because we’re salty and full of light. No, I’m talking about why we’re here in this place at this time. We’re in this community as God’s children to bring out God’s flavors.
When you join a group of folks the flavor of that particular group is enhanced because you’re there. God brings us to certain groups, to particular people, so that we can help them see God’s kingdom here on earth.
Think about it. Why do we put salt and pepper, or any variety of herbs, on food before we eat it? We add these seasonings and spices to bring out the flavors that are hidden in the food. Without them they’re just not the same. In fact some food is pretty tasteless without some seasoning.
We can use the same reasoning to explain why we’re here in this place at this time. We are here to help people see, to find, to experience God’s gift of grace. Without us someone may not ever experience the joy of being in God’s presence.
Now I know that there are some here this morning who would rather not be put on a lamp stand. There are some who just aren’t comfortable being in the lime light let alone being the light. But, think about it, God has given you this one gift that is just what one person needs in order to be able see God’s kingdom. And if you don’t let your light be seen they may never see God’s kingdom.
So, good friends, we are here because we are the seasoning and the light that God needs in this place at this time. Without us someone may not ever get to experience God as only they could with our saltiness. Or they may never get to see the kingdom of God without our special light. Friends, that’s why we’re all here now. God needs our salt; he needs our light. His church needs your brand of spice and your degree of brightness.
So, today as we receive new members and install new elders ask God to use their salt and their light to bring us closer to his kingdom here on earth. As we receive the bread and the cup think about how different it would be if there were no salt in the bread or if there were no light to see the bread or the cup.
Friends, we are the salt and the light. Pray that God will use us today and this week so that someone else may become salt and light for the world.
Thanks be to God for his loving grace. Amen.
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