Can you relate to the way the disciples felt after Jesus' death and resurrection? Have you ever had the rug pulled out from under your feet? How did that make you feel? Were you ready to give up? How were you able to get past your grief? Have you ever felt so lost and in such despair that you thought there was no way you could recover? But then you did and joy came into your life.
Maybe it happened bit by bit, a little ray of light breaking into the darkness just a little further everyday. Or maybe you experienced what the disciples did when Jesus suddenly appeared in the room when they were behind locked doors. One day you are lower than your shoe laces and the next day sunlight bursts through the darkness and you’re almost blinded by its brilliance.
And you wonder, how’d this happen? And the next thing you knew the light was gone and you were plunged into the depths of darkness again. The roller coaster ride was almost too much to take. You just wanted one or the other.
What do you do when life is tough or where do you go? Do you go to bed, pull the covers over your head and hope that when you wake up you’ll find out it was all a bad dream. It never is you know. Or do you run away and hope that you can outrun the darkness that has invaded your world. What do you do?
Do you go to your knees in prayer? Do you seek out your best friend? Do you rail against God? Do you look for answers in the clouds, alcohol, books, or The Bible? What do you do?
Or do you give up on God or maybe just think about giving up on God? Maybe you’ve done both. Did it help? Or were you so lost and so empty that you never thought you’d find your way back to God?
When we get to that point will God call us back? When you got to that point did God call you back or is he calling for you today? How did you recognize his voice? Where were you when you heard him calling you? What did you hear him say? Did he chastise you or were his words soft and kind, filled with love?
These are all the emotions the disciples felt. How do you think Peter felt? Listen for a moment to what Peter has to say…(Monologue written by Rev. Ann Scull)
I've made some big mistakes in my time! ... but nothing like the ones I made on the night when Jesus was arrested. It all started to go wrong when the soldiers came to arrest him. I couldn't believe it was happening! I jumped in like a real life Rambo and took a swipe at one of the arresting soldiers - but I only managed to remove his ear and before I could have another go, Jesus reached out and healed him. I was astounded. And as the crowd started to snigger, I felt big and stupid and clumsy. So I stood and watched them lead him away as it hit me that after three years I still didn't really understand what he was on about. But I couldn't abandon him. I followed the soldiers at a distance till they reached a courtyard. I tried my best to blend in but it was difficult. They all recognized me, the servant girl, the gatekeeper, and a big bloke who was a relative of the soldier whose ear I had removed! He recognized me in a flash!! And if they didn't recognize my face then my Galilean accent gave me away. They were all having a go at me - trying to make me admit I was one of his friends. But I couldn't do it. Three times I denied that I even knew him! I was so scared of what they would do to me. I caved in like a house of cards.
But that's not the worst of it. Jesus knew what I was doing! As the soldiers led him away he looked straight at me, our eyes locked through an open doorway.... and I could tell. He knew all right. And ....and there was nothing I could do! And I remember his words telling me I would do this awful thing. I felt ill just thinking about it. I ran outside and cried like a baby. It was as if my heart was breaking. In a matter of minutes, my whole world was in shatters.
After he was crucified, strange things happened. I was one of the first to see his empty tomb. He appeared to us all one Sunday when we met together in secret. But for me, life became even more difficult as the dark cloud of my denial of him spoilt any of the joy. It was as if there was a wall between us - a wall which I had built - which I didn't know how to remove. I was dying to speak to him but it was also the thing I dreaded most.
So I went back to my boats and the fishing. What else could I do? I didn't have the heart for it any more but it kept my hands busy. I conned a few of the others into fishing with me. And one morning as we returned home, there was Jesus - on the beach. I was so intent on speaking to him that I couldn't wait for the boat - instead I dived straight in and swam to shore. But I was tongue- tied. I couldn't say all the things that were on my heart. Instead I ran around doing everything he asked with all the enthusiasm I possessed. And my business and eagerness hid the wall between us - but could not break it down.
After breakfast, he took me for a little walk along the beach. I didn't know what he was going to say. The weight of my guilt blotted out any other thought. I couldn't think how to even start to say all the things I wanted to say. If I had tried to say that I loved him it would have sounded trite and hypercritical after all that had happened. But I didn't have to. Instead he asked me if I loved him! Three times I had said he was not my friend on that terrible night. Three times on the beach he asked me if I loved him. Three times I said yes with my whole heart. And I knew he believed me because he gave me a job to do - to look after his followers for him - a job that proved to me that he trusted me and that the past was forgotten and that the wall between us was gone.
Let’s go to the stations set up here in the sanctuary. What do you need? Who are you like? Are you like…
Station 1. Paul and his need for a new direction?
Station 2. Ananias and his need for courage?
Station 3. The disciples and their need for a new perspective?
Station 4. Peter and his need for forgiveness?
No adults came forward with any artistic creations on the "arrows" but the children certainly enjoyed the "barby" by the lectern.
Thanks to Ann Scull from somewhere in Australia for the ideas for this worship experience.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
How Do We Know Jesus?
Jesus’ disciples were the first to witness the risen Lord. When he first appeared to them they were frightened and didn’t believe what they were seeing. And who could blame them? How many people has anyone ever seen come back from the grave? No one has ever done that that I know of, except Jesus.
The first time Jesus was present with the disciples Thomas wasn’t there. We don’t know where he was, but when the others told him they had seen Jesus he said that he wouldn’t believe it unless he saw with his own eyes the wounds caused by the nails in his hands and his feet, or the wound made by the soldier’s spear.
Later, when the disciples were gathered together in the same room where they had celebrated the Passover with Jesus, Thomas was there. Jesus again appeared among them even though the doors were locked.
This time he headed straight for Thomas and showing him his hands, feet, and side invited him to put his fingers there. Jesus told him to stick his hand in his side. John doesn’t tell us whether he actually touched Jesus or not but he did record Thomas’ response, “My Master, My God!”
He believed this was Jesus when he saw the wounds with his own eyes. This begs the question, “How do we know Jesus, the Christ?” Do we need to see his wounds? Wounds he received because he took upon himself all our sins. Do we need to put our fingers on his scars? What do we need so we believe?
How does God make Christ known to you? The Nicene Creed says…
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
The confessions, written by men and women, try to put into words the how and the why of it. In the Scot’s Confession we read… rebirth is wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost creating in the hearts of God’s chosen ones an assured faith in the promise of God revealed to us in his Word; by this faith we grasp Christ Jesus with the graces and blessings promised in him.
The Scots believed that it was by faith brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit that we know, grasp, Christ Jesus. We know that his resurrection was confirmed by the testimony of his enemies, and by the resurrection of the dead, whose sepulchres did open, and they did rise and appear to many within the city of Jerusalem. It was also confirmed by the testimony of his angels, and by the senses and judgment of his apostles and of others, who had conversation, and did eat and drink with him after his resurrection. (Scots 3.10)
They believed and so we believe because there were credible witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection. Everything they witnessed was recorded and passed down through the generations to all of us who are sitting here today.
But there still are many who have doubts. And, friends, it’s not a bad thing to have doubts. In fact it’s in our human nature to doubt things unless they can be proved. We need to confirm them with all our senses and in some instances things must be proved with logical calculations.
So how do we know Jesus? How do we prove him? Can we say beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is real? Can we confirm Jesus’ presence with our senses? Can we prove that he existed and still exists with any logical calculations? I don’t think so. But, what do you think? Can you prove Christ?
The disciples, and Thomas, had it easier; they were there. They saw his wounds. They saw him eat, and cook, and they heard him teach. But, then he disappeared. How did they prove to those who never witnessed his reappearance that he actually was raised from the grave? How do we prove it?
I believe that it’s all up to God. I believe that God, through his Holy Spirit, grants his grace to people in their faith, in the Word, and in the distribution of the Sacraments at the Table and the Fount.
So, we believe by faith not our senses? What did our ancestors say? The Heidelberg Confession says…It is not only a certain knowledge by which I accept as true all that God has revealed to us in his Word, but also a wholehearted trust which the Holy Spirit creates in me through the gospel, that, not only to others, but to me also God has given the forgiveness of sins, everlasting righteousness and salvation, out of sheer grace solely for the sake of Christ’s saving work. (Heidelberg Confession 4.021)
It’s not an easy thing to be a Christian. Especially when a friend puts us on the spot and says, “How do you know Jesus rose from the grave?” How do we prove it? How do we know Jesus and how can we prove him to others?
Friends, as I’ve said I believe God does all the work. Without his grace we aren’t able to do anything. So, I contend that we explain how God in Jesus and the Holy Spirit has worked, is working, and will continue to work in our lives. In other words, we tell our story and let them see and believe for themselves trusting in God to open their heart to him.
That’s what I believe, that’s how I know the Christ. How do you know Him? What do you believe and what do you base your belief on? What supports your belief? It’s not easy being a follower of the risen Christ but there are rewards, eternal life is one.
So, good friends, how do you “know” Jesus? That is the question I would like you to meditate, reflect on, and contemplate this week. Yes, you have homework and maybe there’ll be a test. Go to God’s Word, ask God in prayer to show you how he makes himself known to you in Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and then wait in silence for God’s response. Trust in God to reveal his answer to you.
Friends, we serve a risen Savior. He defeated death for us. He died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave so we would no longer have to fear the grave. It doesn’t end there for us.
The tough thing for us is explaining to ourselves, and others, why we believe that. It’s all faith and faith comes from God by his grace. Pray that all will receive God’s grace.
Thanks be to God for his revealing, saving grace. Amen.
The first time Jesus was present with the disciples Thomas wasn’t there. We don’t know where he was, but when the others told him they had seen Jesus he said that he wouldn’t believe it unless he saw with his own eyes the wounds caused by the nails in his hands and his feet, or the wound made by the soldier’s spear.
Later, when the disciples were gathered together in the same room where they had celebrated the Passover with Jesus, Thomas was there. Jesus again appeared among them even though the doors were locked.
This time he headed straight for Thomas and showing him his hands, feet, and side invited him to put his fingers there. Jesus told him to stick his hand in his side. John doesn’t tell us whether he actually touched Jesus or not but he did record Thomas’ response, “My Master, My God!”
He believed this was Jesus when he saw the wounds with his own eyes. This begs the question, “How do we know Jesus, the Christ?” Do we need to see his wounds? Wounds he received because he took upon himself all our sins. Do we need to put our fingers on his scars? What do we need so we believe?
How does God make Christ known to you? The Nicene Creed says…
We believe in one Lord, Jesus Christ,
the only Son of God,
eternally begotten of the Father,
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
of one Being with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
was incarnate of the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary
and became truly human.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate;
he suffered death and was buried.
On the third day he rose again
in accordance with the Scriptures;
he ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead,
and his kingdom will have no end.
The confessions, written by men and women, try to put into words the how and the why of it. In the Scot’s Confession we read… rebirth is wrought by the power of the Holy Ghost creating in the hearts of God’s chosen ones an assured faith in the promise of God revealed to us in his Word; by this faith we grasp Christ Jesus with the graces and blessings promised in him.
The Scots believed that it was by faith brought about by the power of the Holy Spirit that we know, grasp, Christ Jesus. We know that his resurrection was confirmed by the testimony of his enemies, and by the resurrection of the dead, whose sepulchres did open, and they did rise and appear to many within the city of Jerusalem. It was also confirmed by the testimony of his angels, and by the senses and judgment of his apostles and of others, who had conversation, and did eat and drink with him after his resurrection. (Scots 3.10)
They believed and so we believe because there were credible witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection. Everything they witnessed was recorded and passed down through the generations to all of us who are sitting here today.
But there still are many who have doubts. And, friends, it’s not a bad thing to have doubts. In fact it’s in our human nature to doubt things unless they can be proved. We need to confirm them with all our senses and in some instances things must be proved with logical calculations.
So how do we know Jesus? How do we prove him? Can we say beyond the shadow of a doubt that he is real? Can we confirm Jesus’ presence with our senses? Can we prove that he existed and still exists with any logical calculations? I don’t think so. But, what do you think? Can you prove Christ?
The disciples, and Thomas, had it easier; they were there. They saw his wounds. They saw him eat, and cook, and they heard him teach. But, then he disappeared. How did they prove to those who never witnessed his reappearance that he actually was raised from the grave? How do we prove it?
I believe that it’s all up to God. I believe that God, through his Holy Spirit, grants his grace to people in their faith, in the Word, and in the distribution of the Sacraments at the Table and the Fount.
So, we believe by faith not our senses? What did our ancestors say? The Heidelberg Confession says…It is not only a certain knowledge by which I accept as true all that God has revealed to us in his Word, but also a wholehearted trust which the Holy Spirit creates in me through the gospel, that, not only to others, but to me also God has given the forgiveness of sins, everlasting righteousness and salvation, out of sheer grace solely for the sake of Christ’s saving work. (Heidelberg Confession 4.021)
It’s not an easy thing to be a Christian. Especially when a friend puts us on the spot and says, “How do you know Jesus rose from the grave?” How do we prove it? How do we know Jesus and how can we prove him to others?
Friends, as I’ve said I believe God does all the work. Without his grace we aren’t able to do anything. So, I contend that we explain how God in Jesus and the Holy Spirit has worked, is working, and will continue to work in our lives. In other words, we tell our story and let them see and believe for themselves trusting in God to open their heart to him.
That’s what I believe, that’s how I know the Christ. How do you know Him? What do you believe and what do you base your belief on? What supports your belief? It’s not easy being a follower of the risen Christ but there are rewards, eternal life is one.
So, good friends, how do you “know” Jesus? That is the question I would like you to meditate, reflect on, and contemplate this week. Yes, you have homework and maybe there’ll be a test. Go to God’s Word, ask God in prayer to show you how he makes himself known to you in Jesus and the Holy Spirit, and then wait in silence for God’s response. Trust in God to reveal his answer to you.
Friends, we serve a risen Savior. He defeated death for us. He died on the cross for our sins and rose from the grave so we would no longer have to fear the grave. It doesn’t end there for us.
The tough thing for us is explaining to ourselves, and others, why we believe that. It’s all faith and faith comes from God by his grace. Pray that all will receive God’s grace.
Thanks be to God for his revealing, saving grace. Amen.
Monday, April 5, 2010
You're the Witnessess
The women went to the tomb where they had seen Joseph and Nicodemus and John place the body of Jesus. They went there to anoint the body with the burial spices and perfumes they had purchased and prepared.
Joseph had purchased the linens to wrap Jesus' body and Nicodemus had brought 75 pounds of spices to wrap in the linens. But they were only men and they wouldn't have prepared his body like the women would have.
There just wasn't time to do everything properly after they took Jesus' body down from the cross. The Sabbath was only a few hours away and it took time to do everything the way it should be done. So, they let the men do their thing and they planned on coming back on Sunday.
But when they arrived there they noticed that the stone had been rolled back; a stone that was so heavy and constructed in such a way that it would take three strong men to roll it back and put a chock in place to hold it. That was very strange in itself but when they bent over to look inside the tomb all they saw was two angels sitting there as if they were waiting for them.
You've heard the scriptures read this morning. You know the story they told. But isn't it typical of men that they didn't believe them when they told them what they had found? Of course, one of them had to go there to verify that what they had told them was in fact true.
Only Peter didn't see anything, not even one angel. All he found was an empty tomb. He was a little perplexed. It was all very confusing.
Why didn't they remember? Jesus had told them what was going to happen. He had told them how the prophets predicted the coming of the Messiah and what would happen to him. But it was like their ears were plugged with wax. And they went brain dead.
As the two who talked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus were telling their story Jesus appeared right there with them in the Upper Room. They were scared, almost to death. They were certain he was a ghost.
He showed them his hands and his feet. And then he asked for something to eat. Some leftover fish was all they had and he ate it in front of them.
How do we know all this? How can we believe what we are hearing is true? We can believe because those who were there were witnesses to what happened, first hand witnesses.
Jesus took advantage of the opportunity to tell them again what he had told them before. He taught them one more time what was written about him in the Laws of Moses, and in the Prophets and the Psalms.
Because they experienced this all first hand and then had it all explained to them again it became crystal clear to them that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, the Son of God. He was resurrected. He was alive! He was the real deal.
We know this today because they were there and they took the Great Commission to heart. They went into all the world making disciples and baptizing all nations in the name of the Trinity.
God sent Jesus into the world because he loved the world. He didn't send him because he condemned them but because he loved them so much. But he didn't come just for the Jews but for the whole world, all the nations. He came so that we might have life eternal.
So now you're the witnesses. It's your turn to go out into your world and make disciples by telling your story, sharing with others how Jesus has changed you. You are here today because of God's love for the world and the sacrifice Jesus made by giving his life for the sins of the world.
Friends, you are witnesses to God's love, God's joy, God's peace. You are witnesses to God's kingdom here on earth.
Believe what your heart tells you is true. Believe what you read in the Word. Jesus came into the world and died for our sins and rose again as proof that God defeated death. He went to hell for us and came back. Believe it!
Friends, listen to God's voice. Be a witness today to God's love for the world.
Give your heart to him and share God's good news with those you meet on your journey.
Thanks be to God for his wondrous love. Amen.
Joseph had purchased the linens to wrap Jesus' body and Nicodemus had brought 75 pounds of spices to wrap in the linens. But they were only men and they wouldn't have prepared his body like the women would have.
There just wasn't time to do everything properly after they took Jesus' body down from the cross. The Sabbath was only a few hours away and it took time to do everything the way it should be done. So, they let the men do their thing and they planned on coming back on Sunday.
But when they arrived there they noticed that the stone had been rolled back; a stone that was so heavy and constructed in such a way that it would take three strong men to roll it back and put a chock in place to hold it. That was very strange in itself but when they bent over to look inside the tomb all they saw was two angels sitting there as if they were waiting for them.
You've heard the scriptures read this morning. You know the story they told. But isn't it typical of men that they didn't believe them when they told them what they had found? Of course, one of them had to go there to verify that what they had told them was in fact true.
Only Peter didn't see anything, not even one angel. All he found was an empty tomb. He was a little perplexed. It was all very confusing.
Why didn't they remember? Jesus had told them what was going to happen. He had told them how the prophets predicted the coming of the Messiah and what would happen to him. But it was like their ears were plugged with wax. And they went brain dead.
As the two who talked with Jesus on the road to Emmaus were telling their story Jesus appeared right there with them in the Upper Room. They were scared, almost to death. They were certain he was a ghost.
He showed them his hands and his feet. And then he asked for something to eat. Some leftover fish was all they had and he ate it in front of them.
How do we know all this? How can we believe what we are hearing is true? We can believe because those who were there were witnesses to what happened, first hand witnesses.
Jesus took advantage of the opportunity to tell them again what he had told them before. He taught them one more time what was written about him in the Laws of Moses, and in the Prophets and the Psalms.
Because they experienced this all first hand and then had it all explained to them again it became crystal clear to them that Jesus was indeed the Messiah, the Son of God. He was resurrected. He was alive! He was the real deal.
We know this today because they were there and they took the Great Commission to heart. They went into all the world making disciples and baptizing all nations in the name of the Trinity.
God sent Jesus into the world because he loved the world. He didn't send him because he condemned them but because he loved them so much. But he didn't come just for the Jews but for the whole world, all the nations. He came so that we might have life eternal.
So now you're the witnesses. It's your turn to go out into your world and make disciples by telling your story, sharing with others how Jesus has changed you. You are here today because of God's love for the world and the sacrifice Jesus made by giving his life for the sins of the world.
Friends, you are witnesses to God's love, God's joy, God's peace. You are witnesses to God's kingdom here on earth.
Believe what your heart tells you is true. Believe what you read in the Word. Jesus came into the world and died for our sins and rose again as proof that God defeated death. He went to hell for us and came back. Believe it!
Friends, listen to God's voice. Be a witness today to God's love for the world.
Give your heart to him and share God's good news with those you meet on your journey.
Thanks be to God for his wondrous love. Amen.
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